I really am! I'm going out more, i made friends. I'm just really bad at facing or even admitting my own feelings (I repressed being trans for like 10 years) so i really appreciate when something draws them out a bit. It's only meant to be a compliment, making you feel things is what art is for
this game really made me reflect on my personal experience with being trans. playing both endings made me realize that someone thinking the thoughts in the "bad ending" is my worst fear -- that i'm not serious, that i need to be saved from my impulsiveness, that i'm subhuman and that i need to be saved by someone who thinks they are "better." but then again, there is hope. maybe someone good will see me for who i am. i'm only 17 and i have my whole future ahead of me, it could be bad or it could be good.
i feel like i can't tell anyone irl about these feelings because they wouldn't understand, but this game heard me even though i couldn't say anything. thank you for your hard work on this game and all your other ones <3
I don’t really have any good advice or anything but thank you for taking the time to write this message.
I hope that you find people irl who love and accept you and who you feel comfortable with. It’s really hard to do that and I’ve struggled with it but idk I hope you find the strength to say the things you need to say.
I used to want acceptance but I’ve found that sometimes having the courage to accept other peoples reactions is the best thing to hope for good or bad.
Good luck and thank you. I hope that I’ll see you at the next game when it comes out.
(Also sorry if this message comes off as weird or awkward, I have social anxiety so I’m trying to speedrun reply all my social media and comments and stuff.)
Saving You From Yourself was weird for me in that it was the first video game I've ever played that made me feel properly sad. Not guilty, not angry.
Everything about this situation feels sick and lifeless. The first time I saw the FEED store I thought they were getting devoured. And I guess they were.
The ability to instil such an experience... I hope you're doing better now <3
I’m sorry about the delay in replying, I’ve been working on future games so I’ve been distracted.
I am doing better now, it takes a lot of effort to be okay but I’m working towards it.
I’m glad this game could be a game that made you feel something like that for the first time. This game was pretty harshly received so I’m glad it has a place in some people’s hearts even now even if those feelings might have been negative ones.
The FEED store was ultimately the kind of place most people could go in and out of without really remembering it. It’s a liminal space, but Arle probably lost her sense of fully belonging to humanity on those trips.
I someday want to write a follow-up game about doctors offices and being trans but I freeze up often in fear of the reaction I could get. I haven’t figured out fully how to move forward with games but I hope that eventually when I release another game you consider playing it.
Thank you for taking the time to stop by and leave a comment. I enjoyed hearing from you even if my reply was slow.
Medical gatekeeping is really horrible, especially when your poor. Every single appointment is just a brutal drain on your resources and ability to survive.
I am glad I could convey that even if it's horrible.
I love your stuff because it's so beautiful but so hard to watch like it physically hurt me to get the bad ending for saving you from you self and this epilogue just felt like a twist of the knife. Your stuff makes me scared for my future but also determined to somehow actually make a difference.
I just wanted to say that this is incredible and I feel you aren't getting enough appreciation for it It really connected with me on things I didn't even know other people had been through and it really adds a lot to the original game, thank you for making this <3
I have trouble responding to comments because I have social anxiety, even for internet posts but I want to thank you for playing this animation and the previous game.
Very few people ever watched this animation or saw the ending so thank you for going through my uber obscure stuff that's forgotten. It means a lot for me for this animation to be watched.
We are treated like we are subhuman by those who kill and torture us. They want us to think that we deserve it, that we are lesser than them, that agony and death are all that await us, but when you have seen the vilest parts of humanity brand everything good, everything kind and beautiful, everyone you love as inhuman and demonic, if you can break free of the self loathing they've inflicted upon you, you realize that in a world controlled by evil, where being "human" is to be apathetic and bigoted, to abuse, exploit and slaughter everything and anyone they can, and if resisting that is inhuman, then fuck humans.
I just recently found this site, and even more so came across your games and animations. Thank you for taking the time to create something so tragically beautiful.
I'm going to be honest, He Fucked The Girl Out of Me was originally going to be a 3rd part to Saving You From Yourself but I scrapped it and decided to just write more truthfully and not hide behind stuff.
Arle "selling her video games" ignored what kinda happens when just selling your video game collection isn't enough. Denise was a proto-Sally or at least cut from the same cloth of people Sally was made from.
In the original storyboards of He Fucked The Girl Out Of Me, Denise was Sally and she only mutated into Sally later on after a few rewrites.
Also, almost no one every watched this, even for the event it was made for, so seriously thank you for watching such an obscure thing. You are hardcore and I really appreciate it.
← Return to animation
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this game helped me admit to myself how much this experience fucked me up, and that actually made me feel better afterwards
I hope that you are doing okay now after playing.
I’m not sure I can find the right words to convey what I want to say but I really hope you’re doing okay.
I really am! I'm going out more, i made friends. I'm just really bad at facing or even admitting my own feelings (I repressed being trans for like 10 years) so i really appreciate when something draws them out a bit. It's only meant to be a compliment, making you feel things is what art is for
this game really made me reflect on my personal experience with being trans. playing both endings made me realize that someone thinking the thoughts in the "bad ending" is my worst fear -- that i'm not serious, that i need to be saved from my impulsiveness, that i'm subhuman and that i need to be saved by someone who thinks they are "better." but then again, there is hope. maybe someone good will see me for who i am. i'm only 17 and i have my whole future ahead of me, it could be bad or it could be good.
i feel like i can't tell anyone irl about these feelings because they wouldn't understand, but this game heard me even though i couldn't say anything. thank you for your hard work on this game and all your other ones <3
Thank you for playing my games.
I am sorry about the delay in replying.
I don’t really have any good advice or anything but thank you for taking the time to write this message.
I hope that you find people irl who love and accept you and who you feel comfortable with. It’s really hard to do that and I’ve struggled with it but idk I hope you find the strength to say the things you need to say.
I used to want acceptance but I’ve found that sometimes having the courage to accept other peoples reactions is the best thing to hope for good or bad.
Good luck and thank you. I hope that I’ll see you at the next game when it comes out.
(Also sorry if this message comes off as weird or awkward, I have social anxiety so I’m trying to speedrun reply all my social media and comments and stuff.)
Noooooo this is so saddd :(
Arle deserved better.
Saving You From Yourself was weird for me in that it was the first video game I've ever played that made me feel properly sad. Not guilty, not angry.
Everything about this situation feels sick and lifeless. The first time I saw the FEED store I thought they were getting devoured. And I guess they were.
The ability to instil such an experience... I hope you're doing better now <3
Hi Monicre!
I’m sorry about the delay in replying, I’ve been working on future games so I’ve been distracted.
I am doing better now, it takes a lot of effort to be okay but I’m working towards it.
I’m glad this game could be a game that made you feel something like that for the first time. This game was pretty harshly received so I’m glad it has a place in some people’s hearts even now even if those feelings might have been negative ones.
The FEED store was ultimately the kind of place most people could go in and out of without really remembering it. It’s a liminal space, but Arle probably lost her sense of fully belonging to humanity on those trips.
I someday want to write a follow-up game about doctors offices and being trans but I freeze up often in fear of the reaction I could get. I haven’t figured out fully how to move forward with games but I hope that eventually when I release another game you consider playing it.
Thank you for taking the time to stop by and leave a comment. I enjoyed hearing from you even if my reply was slow.
I've slowly gone through the things you've made, and I really can't understate how genuine & genuinely good they are. Thank you for your work.
Thank you so much for taking the time to play through all of my games including the rough flawed ones.
That’s pretty much the greatest thing any game developer can ask for is for people to care about their work.
I just wanted to let you know I really appreciate it and I hope that someday soon I’ll be able to share another game with you again.
This is deeply horrifying. I don't think I've ever been so viscerally repulsed by medical gatekeeping. Very well done.
Medical gatekeeping is really horrible, especially when your poor.
Every single appointment is just a brutal drain on your resources and ability to survive.
I am glad I could convey that even if it's horrible.
This made me cry.
I love your stuff because it's so beautiful but so hard to watch like it physically hurt me to get the bad ending for saving you from you self and this epilogue just felt like a twist of the knife. Your stuff makes me scared for my future but also determined to somehow actually make a difference.
Much love ༼つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Thank you so much for playing this to the end and then viewing the epilogue.
Not many people have done that because it's an obscure game that upsets more to play and forces the player to do upsetting things.
It's not my best work but I'm glad you experienced it.
I hope that you find a pathway to making a good future and it makes me glad to know you'll be trying.
The future is scary and we have the power to change some things and make them better.
This is genuinely incredible, thank you for making this.
Thank you so much for stopping by to say this. This is probably my most underplayed game relative to effort so I'm just really glad you watched it.
I just wanted to say that this is incredible and I feel you aren't getting enough appreciation for it
It really connected with me on things I didn't even know other people had been through and it really adds a lot to the original game, thank you for making this <3
This animation really crashed and bombed and has barely been seen by anyone.
It was an epilogue to an extremely unpopular game released months later and despite taking a ton of work has been barely seen.
Comments like yours mean a lot to me. Thank you so much.
Going through the game and this animation was a rollercoaster of emotions. Thank yo for making this.
Oh, whoa... You did a really deep dive on my games and played the obscure stuff.
I'm kinda shocked anyone would go so deep into my games. I'm glad you saw it since it's only been seen by like less than 50 people.
I feel like this video articulated something I've never been able to get across to my friends and family. Really your work as a whole does.
Really dig the visual style. Thank you for the art.
Thank you so much for watching the ultra rare epilogue of this game.
hard to watch, which means you succeeded at conveying this subject well, i think
I'm always amazed to see someone watching this. Thank you!
Thanks to making this game serie and to tell your story, I send you virtual support and love as a queer and trans ally.
I have trouble responding to comments because I have social anxiety, even for internet posts but I want to thank you for playing this animation and the previous game.
Very few people ever watched this animation or saw the ending so thank you for going through my uber obscure stuff that's forgotten. It means a lot for me for this animation to be watched.
We are treated like we are subhuman by those who kill and torture us. They want us to think that we deserve it, that we are lesser than them, that agony and death are all that await us, but when you have seen the vilest parts of humanity brand everything good, everything kind and beautiful, everyone you love as inhuman and demonic, if you can break free of the self loathing they've inflicted upon you, you realize that in a world controlled by evil, where being "human" is to be apathetic and bigoted, to abuse, exploit and slaughter everything and anyone they can, and if resisting that is inhuman, then fuck humans.
im gonna cry, i feel this really hard; no one i know who is like us is okay, and im someone who got lucky,
we all have eatch other and thats what matters
at least to me
I just recently found this site, and even more so came across your games and animations. Thank you for taking the time to create something so tragically beautiful.
Chilling epilogue. Thank you for making this
Thank you for watching this.
I'm going to be honest, He Fucked The Girl Out of Me was originally going to be a 3rd part to Saving You From Yourself but I scrapped it and decided to just write more truthfully and not hide behind stuff.
Arle "selling her video games" ignored what kinda happens when just selling your video game collection isn't enough. Denise was a proto-Sally or at least cut from the same cloth of people Sally was made from.
In the original storyboards of He Fucked The Girl Out Of Me, Denise was Sally and she only mutated into Sally later on after a few rewrites.
Also, almost no one every watched this, even for the event it was made for, so seriously thank you for watching such an obscure thing. You are hardcore and I really appreciate it.
Well told and tragic. I like the art style.
I don't know how I missed this comment but omg, thank you for being like almost the only person to ever play this.